Frequently asked questions

are there any other costs besides $100 per month?

Yes. Players will be required to purchase their uniform prior to the start of the season. If a player outgrows or looses their uniform, they will need to purchase a replacement.

Where are practices?

Currently, practices are planned to be at Mile High Middle School, with the potential of extra weekend trainings at various locations.

What time and how long are practices?

Practices will be twice a week - Tuesdays & Thursdays from 5pm - 7pm.

What should I bring to practice?

Players should bring their own basketball (size 7) and a water bottle to each practice.

what happens when the boys enter 7th grade?

After September 1st of the given year, the boys and their program will transition to their next grade together, meaning that the team will transition to a 7th grade team.

What are your payment options?

We accept session payments in full or in automatic withdrawal monthly installments.

Do you take donations and/or sponsorships?

Absolutely! We are happy to accept donations or ideas for fundraisers, which will be essential to the club’s success. As a team we will be scheduling in a few fundraisers through each session.

How long is the club season?

The first club season is two full months; however, future seasons will be three months in length.